
How to use a screen with bash script?

ng flag

I tried to create an executable .sh file with command that create screen like this:

screen -dmS ast [comand]

And let my crontab execute it like this

* * * * * bash /root/

But nothing executed, but with normal console command bash /root/ it's working successfully.

How can I fix it?

pe flag

There is something wrong about how you ran the script from the crontab.

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As per your issue description it looks the crontab try to use the bash command as the script.

For example:

To schedule the backup script to run every night at 2am, open the root user's crontab:

$ sudo crontab -e

then enter the following:

0 2 * * * /etc/scripts/

For example, if you have a script that needs to create a file from the dmesg command once a day at 1pm, your entry looks like the following:

0 13 * * * /usr/bin/dmesg > ~/dmesg.txt

Try to removing the bash from the line in crontab

ng flag
Part of my problem was solved, put the `screen -dmS ast [command]` still not created
Gerrit avatar
cn flag
Are you on a system with selinux in enforcing mode, by any chance? Does getenforce exist and return something?

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