
How to utilize second gateway on the same network

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I couldn't find solution to add 2nd gateway from main router.
I have a C class local network with Linux server A at acting as default gateway, dhcp, smb... server. I would like to route some clients/servers (ie. client with ip via another gateway B in the same subnet (
Is it possible to solve this via ip route or ip rule on the Linux server ( I presume it's possible to make a DHCP reservation with different default gateway on the server side, so client gets different default gateway, but I would like to avoid this if possible. I was thinking another solution could be creating tunnel between gateways A and B so that there would be another interface on Server A, and I could route through clients that I prefer.
I'm looking for a solution that I can modify on the fly on serverside when Gateway A is overloaded.

|  |     Server A
|  clients         \____192.168.5.1___  ===> ISP1 => Internet 
|  ....            /  
|    |  Gateway B
|  ...   =====> ISP2 ==> Internet

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