I've got an AWS instance and I've installed LaTeX as follows:
sudo yum install texlive-pdftex texlive-latex-bin texlive-texconfig* texlive-latex* texlive-metafont* texlive-cmap* texlive-ec texlive-fncychap* texlive-pdftex-def texlive-fancyhdr* texlive-titlesec* texlive-multirow texlive-framed* texlive-wrapfig* texlive-parskip* texlive-caption texlive-ifluatex* texlive-collection-fontsrecommended texlive-collection-latexrecommended
That works, but 'tex4ebook' isn't included, and it's a really important bit of the toolchain. I understand it's in texlive, because the INSTALL.md says so. So it should be a simple matter of working out which package tex4ebook to use.
https://trac.macports.org/wiki/TeXLivePackages says it's in texlive-bin-extra
https://packages.debian.org/sid/texlive-extra-utils says it's in texlive-extra-utils
But neither of those packages exist for me.
Can anyone tell me which texlive package I install to access this wonderful bit of software?
I have already asked on the text4ebook git issues, and have agonised if this belongs in the tex SE, or just SO, but I believe Server Fault is the place where I'll most likely find an answer.