
Moving raw GitLab repositories to a new GitLab instance with access to old disk image but no backups

cu flag

I need to move all the data from a NON-BOOTING (so I can't create a GitLab backup normally) GitLab instance on EC2 to a fresh instance. I do NOT have GitLab backups, but have access to full disk of the old instance.

I have:

  • Detached the volume from the old, non-booting instance
  • Launched a new EC2 instance
  • Attached the volume to the new instance (not as the root volume, as an additional volume as /gitlab-volume)
  • SSH'ed into the new instance, mounted the old instance's volume
  • Installed exactly the same version of GitLab (EE 13.10.0) which uses a hashed directory structure
  • Opened port 80 in AWS, launched GitLab services, navigated to http://public-ip-of-my-instance, created a password for root user and logged into the GitLab admin web interface successfully. At this point I have a clean GitLab installation.
  • Ran gitlab-ctl stop
  • Copied /gitlab-volume/var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories to /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories
  • Same for /etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json and /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
  • Ran gitlab-ctl reconfigure (I just had to change Let's Encrypt settings as I currently won't support SSL and it was failing to validate, obviously)
  • Ran gitlab-ctl start

I went to the dashboard and it still displays as if I've never copied anything:

enter image description here

  • After searching through forums I've found that there is an import script import.rake so I tried that: gitlab-rake "gitlab:import:repos[/gitlab-volume/var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories]"
  • Again (after stop/reconfig/start) it still displays as if nothing changed from a clean install (same as screenshot above).

What am I doing wrong? (BTW I'm not a DevOps guy and have no prior GitLab installation experience, yet I'm tasked with this, so any clarification while answering is welcome)


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