
CentOS 8 / Red Hat / Rocky Linux - Blinking Cursor After Grub Menu - SAS RAID

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Anyone have a solution for this slow boot:


When I boot, my box posts fine, the Grub boot menu comes up, I select the first option, then my screen goes black, I get a blinking - in the upper left corner and my hard drive light comes on solid, for about 20 seconds. Then, my hard drive light stats flashing and the box boots like normal.

I'm trying to determine what is causing this delay after selecting the kernel to boot from the grub menu. It's more than doubling the amount of time it takes my box to boot.

Except in my case, it takes minutes. Any clue? I'm running into this issue with a Dell c1100 server using an old LSI RAID card from 2008. It will eventually boot, but waiting 5 minutes for it to boot CentOS 8 is really annoying. I've removed the rhgb quiet from the grub configuration, and I still have no idea what's going on.

Can anyone help?


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