
How to redirect gsutil/gcloud stdout without elevated permissions

in flag

On Ubuntu 20.04, I'm trying to capture stdout of gsutil ls, but oddly it gives me a permission error.

$ gsutil ls -b gs://my-bucket > /tmp/x.txt
Exception ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

Same error trying to redirect gcloud. Both utilities are installed via snap.

I have no problem with

$ echo foo > /tmp/x.txt
$ cat /tmp/x.txt

or with something like kubectl get all > /tmp/x.txt.

I've also tried other paths, such as ./x.txt or ~/scratch/x.txt that have wide open permissions. And I've made sure the file doesn't initially exist.

I can gsutil ls -b gs://my-bucket | tee /tmp/x.txt but that's not what I want.

Why can't I redirect stdout for the Google utilities without elevated permissions?

update this morning I realized I had only tried this in the VS Code terminal, and wow! it only reproduces there. I filed a bug.

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