
My postgresql db dump is 500mb, even though I've nuked every single table

io flag

I was at some point storing files in my database (Spring JPA Lob, Byte[]), and then I moved them to the file system, however the size of the database never decreased after dropping thee old columns. I'm investigating again now and I've deleted -ALL- the tables, and yet it is still 500mb. In the dump file I can see there is some giant LOB/s it is writing, but I don't know how to get rid of this 'ghost' data or even see it in the DB using psql or another tool. Any ideas? Using Postgresql 12 on Ubuntu.

vn flag
If you're already deleting all the data, why not drop the database and start fresh?
io flag
Deleting the data is part of diagnosis to see where the space was trapped, so I dropped table by table.. I could start afresh, but that would require an export import script to be written, which I'd rather not have to do.

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