
Pacemaker error and warn log showing up in syslog rather than pacemaker.log

ug flag

I created a ping check on pacemaker, like so:

pcs resource create ping ocf:pacemaker:ping dampen=5s multiplier=1000 host_list= clone

Used something other than of course.

Here's the source code:

The ping check foresees an rc code of 0, 1, and any other.

Wanting to see warning and errors, I enabled debug:

pcs resource update ping debug=1

However, instead of logging to /var/log/pacemaker.log, these messages are logged to /var/log/syslog.

Articles like this are just descriptors:

And this is outdated:

There doesn't seem to be a way to set this. What am I missing?

EDIT: Most guides I'm finding on this assume CentOs.

On Ubuntu, it seems the pacemaker sysconfig it located here:/etc/default/pacemaker

mx flag

This happens because pacemaker inherits the corosync config in /etc/corosync/corosync.conf and this contains

to_syslog: yes

You could check if the pacemaker log is written to corosync.log, in this case you should have this in your corosync.conf:

logfile: /var/log/corosync.log

If you want to have a dedicated pacemaker.log you have to add the following configuration items to your /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker:


You can control verbosity with e.g.


Copy the modified config file to all nodes of your cluster and reload pacemaker.

ug flag
Thank you for that, I'll test this soon. I didn't know about the `to_syslog` option, a quick google says it is indeed default syslog and stderr. There's already a `/var/log/pacemaker.log` file, I assume it will just be added to that as well, or should I make a separate one to avoid two processes overwriting each other?
digijay avatar
mx flag
No, using the existing log file should work fine.
ug flag
I'm on ubuntu btw, grepped around a bit, found PCMK_logfile in `/etc/default/pacemaker`

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