
postfix multiple domain relay host

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I'm failing at getting postfix to handle relaying for multiple domains.

The situation:

I'm trying to set up a mail relay for multiple entities each with multiple domains.

Mails from any given entity to itself should be relayed to that entitys local MS Exchange server, all other mail should be relayed via an external mail server.

What I've tried:
    localhost:6127  inet n - y - - smtpd
        -o relayhost=
        -o transport_maps=/dev/null
        -o syslog_name=postfix/myTest
        -o sender_dependent_relayhost_maps=hash:myTest_senders
        -o default_transport=smtp:external.Mail.Server:587

    myTest.dom  relay:[]:25     # also tried smtp: ...
    transport_maps =  hash:/etc/postfix/transport

    myTest.tld  smtp:[]:6127

What happens:

Mails for [email protected] are correctly routed to localhost:6127 and, if the sender is [email protected], the result is "554 5.4.0 Error: too many hops"

I'm completely stumped here and would greatly appreciate any pointers.


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