
rsyslog - Lower throughput when using omfwd with TCP vs UDP

jp flag


I'm getting significantly lower throughput when forwarding syslog messages with rsyslog on a Redhat server with 32 cores and 128Gi RAM to a remote server using TCP instead of UDP syslog in the omfwd action.

How can I use TCP for forwarding messages while keeping up with inbound message volume?

Note1: pps = packets per second

Note2: Note the difference in Rx vs Tx stats

When using UDP to forward incoming messages:

[~]$ ./check_network_stats.bash eth0
Rx    10088 pps Tx    10092 pps |--| Rx    7 Mbps Tx    7 Mbps
Rx    11858 pps Tx    11857 pps |--| Rx    8 Mbps Tx    8 Mbps
Rx    11503 pps Tx    11502 pps |--| Rx    8 Mbps Tx    8 Mbps
Rx    11423 pps Tx    11321 pps |--| Rx    8 Mbps Tx    8 Mbps

When using TCP to forward incoming messages:

[~]$ source check_network_stats.bash eth0
Rx    10318 pps Tx       87 pps |--| Rx    7 Mbps Tx    0 Mbps
Rx    12150 pps Tx      162 pps |--| Rx    8 Mbps Tx    0 Mbps
Rx     9504 pps Tx      139 pps |--| Rx    7 Mbps Tx    0 Mbps
Rx     9774 pps Tx       67 pps |--| Rx    6 Mbps Tx    0 Mbps
Rx    12894 pps Tx      159 pps |--| Rx    9 Mbps Tx    0 Mbps


# rsyslog configuration file

#### MODULES ####
module(load="imjournal" StateFile="imjournal.state")
module(load="imklog") # reads kernel messages (the same are read from journald)
module(load="immark" interval="300") # provides --MARK-- message capability
module(load="imudp" threads="4" batchSize ="128") # Provides UDP syslog reception
module(load="imptcp" threads="10") # Provides TCP syslog reception
module(load="builtin:omfile" Template="RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat") # Use default timestamp format

#### RULES ####

ruleset(name="sendToLogstash") {
       Protocol="udp" # when this changed to TCP, throughput drops

#### LISTENERS         ####
input(type="imudp" port="514" ruleset="sendToLogstash")
input(type="imptcp" port="514" ruleset="sendToLogstash")


mark.*  /var/log/messages

# Where to place auxiliary files
eDonkey avatar
sl flag
I am not familiar with the `imptcp` module, but I've read a few posts about it having connection issues (I don't know if they've been resolved or not). You might want to try out the `imtcp` module.
eDonkey avatar
sl flag
Also, the queue type `FixedArray` is suggested only for a queue size of max. 10,000 messages. So you might aswell want to look into the [queues](

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