
Postfix header_checks add X-Mailgun-Tag

cn flag

I am trying to add in the postfix header_checks, using PREPEND, some X-Mailgun-Tag headers.

When using the following expressions in the header_checks, it applies without issues to all domain emails.

/^From:.**/i PREPEND X-Mailgun-Tag: Newsletters

But I'd like to restrict it only to a specific email address, something like [email protected].

I tried /From:[email protected]/ PREPEND X-Mailgun-Tag: Newsletters but it does not work. Which reg expression should I use?

Nikos Klavdianos avatar
cn flag
Anyone? I also tried From:[email protected] but still does not work.
anx avatar
fr flag
When asking about regular expression, always show an example of a string (here: header) that is failing to match as intended.
jp flag

There could be any number of white space characters between From: and [email protected] but your regular expression doesn't allow that. Use something like [[:space:]]+ or \s+ (depending on which regexp format you are using).


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