We have a Windows server with two NICs. One of them is connected to the main company network (and thus to the internet) and the other is connected to a separate, more secure internal network. It's joined to the company domain. We have an external hardware firewall between the server and the private network, but we would also like to use Windows firewall as an added layer of protection.
We assigned the secure network NIC to the Public profile and set very restrictive rules. The company network NIC is set to the Domain profile and allows more access. This was working fine until we had a power outage that lasted long enough to burn out the UPS and the server shut down. Now ONLY the public firewall does anything. It's as if the Domain NIC is set to Public even though it clearly says that it's on the Domain Profile in both PowerShell and the UI.
Here's what it looks like:
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-NetConnectionProfile
Name : Unidentified network
InterfaceAlias : Private Network
InterfaceIndex : 3
NetworkCategory : Public
IPv4Connectivity : NoTraffic
IPv6Connectivity : NoTraffic
Name : ci.san-leandro.ca.us
InterfaceAlias : Company Network
InterfaceIndex : 14
NetworkCategory : DomainAuthenticated
IPv4Connectivity : Internet
IPv6Connectivity : NoTraffic
Any suggestions on what we should look at?