
How to upload a zip file to a URL with Ansible on Windows?

gb flag

I am attempting to upload a zip file to a URL using Ansible on a Windows 10 machine. I'm currently trying something like the below:

    - name: Get zip file contents for upload
        src: ''
      register: zip_contents
      no_log: true
    - name: Upload ZIP
        url_method: "PUT"
        url: ""
        body: "{{ zip_contents['content'] | b64decode }}"

However, this results in a corrupt file being uploaded that is twice the expected size. I have tried to encode and decode a zip on my local to make sure this would work, and that seems fine. The above block works with other filetypes, like xml and json.

What is the best way to do this?

inframan avatar
cn flag
According to ansible doc and github issues there's no limitation about working on zip file (and didn't find any example elsewhere). It seems like slurp doesn't like zip byte headers Dumb question : does your zip contains others zip files ? Also, your URL is hosted on a windows target that's right ?
inframan avatar
cn flag
Maybe this link may help you (same situation as yours)
gb flag

Since I was trying to upload to Artifactory specifically, I found a workaround using the jfrog CLi:

    - name: Upload ZIP
        script: |
          jfrog rt u '' 'my-repo/'

However I would love a more native Ansible solution if one exists.


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