
How Do I Get Crontab to Run a Whole Directory of PHP Files?

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I've created a little program that will generate php files and place them into a '/crons' folder to allow cron jobs to execute the files. These php files will be generated and named dynamically based on user input. So I was wondering how I could get Crontab to execute ALL of the php scripts that are in that '/crons' directory, simultaneously. Is it some kind of regular expression (regEx) with a wildcard to run the entire directory, as shown below (something similar to it)?

*/1 * * * * php /var/www/*

What exactly would I need to do? Does this require a bash or shell script? (I have no experience with bash or shell). Thanks.

Paul avatar
cn flag
Is that not working?
Aaron Esteban avatar
in flag
Oh, I havent actually tried that, but does cron accept a regEx wildcard at the end of a directory? I will give it a try. Just wondering if this is supposed to work and if not, is it something similar to this?
Paul avatar
cn flag
You can see in `/etc/crontab` it starts `SHELL=/bin/sh`.
Aaron Esteban avatar
in flag
Ok, so I've tested it and it only seems to run 1 php file instead of the 2 php files that I have in the directory. Maybe the cron is only able to select the first file.
Chris avatar
it flag
With no experience with bash or shell, I would create another php script that will handle your logic with `path-to-my-awesome-php-scripts/crons/*` and you simply call it in cron job `*/1 * * * * php /var/[...]/path-to-my-awesome-php-scripts/cronjob.php`
Aaron Esteban avatar
in flag
Right, and I have though of that Chris such as a master file with includes in it, but I was wondering if there was already a simple way to do it with a crontab command.
Paul avatar
cn flag
If there was a problem running the other scripts, there should be errors?
jp flag

When you run php *.php then PHP interpreter executes only the first file. You can check it outside of cron environment.

You can use run-parts to run all executables in a specific directory. See run-parts man page

You'll need to make your PHP files executable with a proper #! header and executable bit. Your crontab should look like

*/1 * * * * run-parts /var/www/
Aaron Esteban avatar
in flag
Hi Alex, can you show me an example of how to make proper #! headers and an executable bit? I've never seen this before in php. If you can show me a quick example with proper syntax of what you're referring to I can get the visuals and write it properly from that point on. Thank you for your response.
jp flag

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