
Periodically audit file permissions for mistaken leaks

in flag

I'm looking for a way to periodically check a file system tree for permissions that have been set incorrectly.

The context is:

  • this is in an academic compute environment, with students, researchers and overworked sysadmins
  • the focus is not on malicious actors, but rather mistakes made by any of the above
  • existing users/group hierarchy
  • prevention does not have to be immediate, we're thinking of something that can run daily
  • ideally don't want to have to install extra tools such as tripwire
  • don't need a forensic trail to be captured

My hunch is a script that:

  • runs daily via cron
  • runs as a user with read permissions for the entire tree
  • checks that rwx is off for the "all" bits.. (more rules to be added)

Before I start this, is there an established way to do this that I'm not aware of?

in flag
You could simply override permissions via `chmod` in a cron script, this way wrong permissions will get changed only. Or an other approach to set permissions is to set a sticky-bit for the parent directory and this will have priority over the file-rights.
jp flag

You want to check AIDE or mtree

More generic list of File integrity monitoring software


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