
Ansible (SSH + LXD) plugin

lu flag

I have a setup of ansible and different server for LXD. Can anyone provide me the plugin that can be used to do stuffs inside LXD container through ansible like installing nginx or removing default ubuntu user.

Lxd version: 4 (ubuntu 20.04 LTS) Ansible version: 5(ansible-core 2.12) --> ubuntu 20.04 LTS

My tasks>main.yml looks like this.

- name: dynamic-site-host
    name: "{{ item.container_name }}-host"
    ansible_host: "{{ ansible_host }}" 
    #ansible_connection: lxd
    ansible_ssh_extra_args: "{{ item.container_name }}"
    ansible_ssh_user: root
    ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
  with_items: "{{ container_params }}"

- name: set-dynamic-site-host-name
  delegate_to: "{{ item.container_name }}-host"
    site_host_name: "{{ item.container_name }}-host"
  with_items: "{{ container_params }}"

- name: set-site-vars-dynamically
  delegate_to: "{{ site_host_name }}"
    site_params: "{{ item }}"
  with_items: "{{ container_params }}"

- name: Remove the user 'ubuntu'
  delegate_to: "{{ site_host_name }}"
    name: ubuntu
    state: absent
    remove: yes



inventory= ./hosts
#connection_plugins = ./plugins/lxc_ssh/
ansible_host_key_checking= false

host file


hosting ansible_ssh_user=root
djdomi avatar
za flag
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jp flag

You can run tasks in LXD containers through ssh as on normal hosts or your can use LXC container ansible module

gzala avatar
lu flag
Can you share sample playbook or roles to run tasks in LXD containers through ssh or using lxd plugin?
jp flag
LXD doesn't differ from normal hosts when accessed with ssh.
gzala avatar
lu flag
Can we use dynamic inventories feature to run task inside LXD container through ansible? If so, please help me with the sample playbook or roles. I am facing this issue since 2 weeks. Lxd version: 4 (ubuntu 20.04 LTS) Ansible version: 5(ansible-core 2.12) --> ubuntu 20.04 LTS

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