An inventory scheme that establishes a source of truth would be to query these groups from some system. Something more sophisticated than strings in the DNS name.
For example, netbox inventory database system has a device role that could fit. Not to pick on netbox, but it has an Ansible inventory plugin, and an open database model so is easy to talk about.
However, maybe a nice external database does not exist yet. Such a regular naming scheme can be generated. With that most recursive of Ansible inventory plugins, generator:
# inventory.yml
plugin: generator
name: "{{ application }}{{ number }}.{{ environment }}"
- name: "{{ application }}_{{ environment }}"
- name: "{{ application }}"
application: "{{ application }}"
- name: "{{ environment }}"
environment: "{{ environment }}"
- app
- api
- dev
- qa
- uat
- prod
- "01"
- "02"
- "05"
Layer names are arbitrary. Given the "hosts" root and the "parents" notation, deeper indented names are groups that contain the outer names.
ansible-inventory -i inventory.yml --list
will print hosts in Ansible's inventory JSON document. Partial output:
"_meta": {
"hostvars": {
"": {
"application": "app",
"environment": "qa"
"app_qa": {
"hosts": [
"app": {
"children": [
"qa": {
"children": [
And continuing on for other combinations.
Notice it made:
- "application" groups
- "environment" groups
- "application environment" combination groups
- host names conforming to the DNS names pattern
- vars containing the "application" and "environment" for each host
Limitations of this plugin include:
Always doing the cartesian product of the layer combinations. Cannot have more or less of a certain group, nor start the numbering schemes on different values.
Not having compact host ranges. Neither [01:25] syntax nor the range() function works. Consider requesting that by filing an issue. As a workaround, dozens of numbers in the config file is functional.