Certbot won't issue a cert for an vhost biding port 80 only as port 80 is literally protocol non-secure http.
You need to add port 443 biding to your ready existing vhost which is https, unless you use Certbot Apache2 plugin by calling Certbot with --apache option.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.example.com
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName www.example.com
# ... SSL configuration goes here
And not sure to understand your point about redirection.
But don'g expect certbot issue cert for an redirection as certificate is associated to a hostname (url) and will also traceroute domain before issuing cert.
But if you are talking about redirect www.example.com to https://example.com, you could add this to your *:80 vhost.
Redirect / https://www.example.com/
And forget about well-known things and pointing out your root webdir using certbot as there's no need.
As long as the hostname you want ssl cert on it, your vhost should also bind port *:443 parameters and are already an apache2-enabled site a2enssite <your-site.conf / your-site.vhost>
Certbot will do the rest.
And actually i just realized, chance are, Certbot will detect your Apache2 site even without biding 443 port and will take care of do it for you, correct me if i'm wrong as been a long time not used it.
But as long as your hostname/domain/name/url call it whatever you prefer, can be reached in browser or return ip by ping your url (outside your local network), you shouldn't have to edit nothing.
And don't forget to use Certbot --apache option. This will make the task much easier. You need to install package first (sudo apt install python3-certbot-apache) or something like that.