
How to create/verify client certificate on Asterisk? any way to verify "common name" field?

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Current configuration:

We have a PBX (Asterisk) on external IP to allow all SIP clients for registration/calling etc. Currently, only port 5061/tls is opened and client certificate is required. Pjsip.conf looks like this:

INSERT INTO `CONFIG_pjsip` (`id`, `cat_metric`, `var_metric`, `commented`, `filename`, 
`category`, `var_name`, `var_val`) VALUES

We already create our CA and sign each certificates (for PBX and SIP client). Everything works well. TLS handshake is successful only if SIP client (Blink) have "our" certificate <- that is correct and expected behavior.


We would like to use UNIQUE certificate for EACH sip client. Any idea how we can do it? At first I thought to use "COMMON NAME" to check it. For example sip with ext. 101 can use COMMON NAME like "ourPBX-ext-13" or whatever, etc. my original idea was, that Asterisk check COMMON NAME field form client cert. And asterisk check it if SIP client 13 is really using that certificate which is allowed ONLY for SIP 13. For example, SIP 14 can not use the same certificate as SIP 13. Both SIP clients (13 and 14) are using "our" certificate, but each should be unique (not same).

Is it possible do it? Or can you show me any other solution which allow to keep unique cert. for each SIP client? I know that is possible to check certificate again IP (or hostname), but i can not use it. SIP client IP is "random", these peoples are usually working from home - so no chance to get their IP.

I am afraid, that if I create just one certificate for all SIP Clients then security will be very bad.

Ondrej Raso avatar
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like in the Bank, where every bank client has a unique client certificate. So i would like use same access.

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