
AWS Lightsail LAMP PHP7 mod-rewrite

cn flag

I just installed a fresh AWS Lightsail LAMP stack with php7.4 and a lets encrypt ssl Docs say Mod-rewrite is installed/enabled by default however I get a 404 when I go to any url on my site that is but of course works

I looked at my bitnami-ssl.conf file and see a line that has a Allow Override All which I believe should make the mod_rewrite work? enter image description here

I am not sure what else I need? Suggestions how to troubleshoot? thank you

kz flag
Why should `/contact` "work" if the actual URL should be `/contact.php`? Simply having mod_rewrite installed doesn't magically allow extensionless URLs to work - if that is what you are thinking?
cn flag
MrWhite please see my updated screenshot in my original post. I believe lightsail does not support .htaccess files so I have my mod rewrite rules ion the bitnami conf file which should . also stopped and restarted the server however am still missing something I guess

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