
Linux: Is it possible to replace a routing table atomically?

in flag

Is it with help of ip route or similar a way to replace a routing table atomically? I would like to prepare a routing table and then replace an old routing table with the newly created one atomically.

ip rule?

UPDATE: I would like to prepare a routing table and replace the one that is currently active as a atomic operation. I need to do this from my own daemon.

drookie avatar
za flag
It's not very clear what are you doing exactly. For automatic routing table actions there's a bunch of dynamic routing protocols. For handling network packets regarding several conditions there's also ip rules. But noone actually isn't "replacing" routing tables.
mlom avatar
in flag
@drookie: I updated the question.
cl flag

As far as I know there's no feature allowing to switch two routing tables in Linux nor to replace atomically an existing routing rule. It's still possible to achieve an atomic switch like presented below. All the gymnastic with intermediate rules is to really be atomic at any step without any caveat. For all intent and purposes, the goto rules below are optional, and quasi atomicity would still be achieved without them.


  1. previous state:

    The routing table 1000 was already added as well as a rule with preference 20000 doing a lookup on this table (no selector here because this information wasn't available from OP):

    $ ip -4 rule
    0:   from all lookup local
    20000:   from all lookup 1000
    32766:   from all lookup main
    32767:   from all lookup default
  2. preparation:

    Routing table 1001 is prepared in advance with a few ip route add ... table 1001 commands. As no rule references it, it's still inactive. That's the routing table that will replace the routing table 1000.

  3. add the new routing rule (which could have additional selectors) referencing it at a later preference value, but skip it first with a goto rule

    ... pointing to the usual rule that looks up the main, so there's not even a case where the old routing table would affect some packets and the newer routing case would affect other packets simultaneously before the switch is over. This should arguably not really matter and goto rules below could be skipped if such strict atomicity is not required.

    ip rule add pref 20001 goto 32766
    ip rule add pref 20002 lookup 1001
  4. atomically switch to the newer routing table with an other goto rule with an earlier preference that will skip both the rule for the older routing table and the rule that skipped the newer routing table.

    ip rule add pref 19999 goto 20002
  5. clean up

    ip rule del pref 20000
    ip rule del pref 20001
    ip rule del pref 19999
  6. go back to previous state: reuse the previous routing table ID and routing rule preference values

    • redo on routing table 1000 the same operations previously done on routing table 1001 in step 2., starting by flushing it

      ip route flush table 1000
      ip route add ... table 1000
    • reset preference and reference to previous state and clean up

      ip rule add pref 20000 lookup 1000
      ip rule del pref 20002
      ip route flush table 1001

    Or switching the roles of tables 1000 and 1001 in the next iteration would probably avoid having to populate routes twice.

    State is now back to step 1.

If the goal is to replace the main routing table, just consider that it's table ID 254 (and that it's the only table (along the local routing table) to receive automatic kernel routes: better always use noprefixroute to addresses and add routes by the daemon in this case): not much to change in the algorithm above except possibly replacing goto 32766 with goto 32767 or a similar change. Also any new route added in a routing table (even if not referenced) requires validation with itself or routes already present in this table or current active rules and referenced tables' routes.


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