I upgraded my function from net core 3.1 to net 6 in code, then updated function runtime version trough portal to ~4 and net framework version trough following az command
az functionapp config set --net-framework-version v6.0 -n <APP_NAME> -g <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>
However when I try to access the app I getting http error 500.
- I tried to look at eventlog.xml and only found IIS AspNetCore Module V2 events about start and stop, no error or exception whatsoever.
- Also I enabled application insight and it shows no requests has being made.
- I restarted, redeployed binaries multiple times
The only alive activity I see is
- Azure respond to OPTIONS with 200
- App host seems running just fine because it shows up a homepage that tells that app is running
- Azure is able to authorize with App Service authentication and set cookie
I understand that I can use debugger because my app still on dev environment but what I'm going to do once I hit this kind of problem on production where developer ways of figuring out the problem is not available and app is just dead in some unusual way?
Forgot to mention that log streaming service shows no incoming requests as well