
Istio - Prometheus - HPA Stack not communicating [ HPA could not calculate the number of replicas ]

us flag

I have cluster with 1 control panel and 2 nodes.

Istio is installed as Service Mesh.

I do request management via istio ingress.

I want it to automatically scale by sharing metrics between Kubernetes HPA and istio prometheus, but I couldn't.

My pods on kube-system

kube-system pods

root@ubuntu-master:~# kubectl get pods -n kube-system
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
coredns-78fcd69978-pk69f                1/1     Running   1 (2d11h ago)   2d12h
coredns-78fcd69978-t5dkx                1/1     Running   1 (2d11h ago)   2d12h
etcd-ubuntu-master                      1/1     Running   1 (2d11h ago)   48d
kube-apiserver-ubuntu-master            1/1     Running   2 (2d11h ago)   48d
kube-controller-manager-ubuntu-master   1/1     Running   3 (2d11h ago)   48d
kube-proxy-72q2r                        1/1     Running   0               2d10h
kube-proxy-8qgr9                        1/1     Running   1 (2d11h ago)   48d
kube-proxy-t4wgr                        1/1     Running   0               2d10h
kube-scheduler-ubuntu-master            1/1     Running   3 (2d11h ago)   48d
metrics-server-84b4bfc7fb-h8gd2         1/1     Running   0               18h

My pods on istio-system


root@ubuntu-master:~# kubectl get pods -n istio-system
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-6ccd56f4b6-bw5md                1/1     Running   0          2d12h
istio-ingressgateway-57c665985b-wj5gr   1/1     Running   0          2d12h
istiod-78cc776c5b-qkr6b                 1/1     Running   0          2d12h
jaeger-5d44bc5c5d-db2pj                 1/1     Running   0          2d12h
kiali-79b86ff5bc-mj8bn                  1/1     Running   0          2d12h
prometheus-64fd8ccd65-22znf             2/2     Running   0          2d12h
prometheus-adapter-6d9c6c8fdf-lxfbp     1/1     Running   0          17h

Prometheus UI result :

Prometheus UI result

Metrics server response;

Metrics server response

root@ubuntu-master:~# kubectl get --raw "/apis/"

here in my HPA definition

istio kubernetes hpa

root@ubuntu-master:~# kubectl describe hpa html-pdf-v2-hpa -n html-pdf-v2
Name:                                                            html-pdf-v2-hpa
Namespace:                                                       html-pdf-v2
Labels:                                                          <none>
Annotations:                                                     metric-config.object.istio-requests-total.prometheus/query:
                                                                   ) /
                                                                     ) by (pod)
CreationTimestamp:                                               Wed, 19 Jan 2022 18:11:14 +0300
Reference:                                                       Deployment/html-pdf-deploy
Metrics:                                                         ( current / target )
  "istio-requests-total" on Pod/html-pdf-deploy (target value):  <unknown> / 10
Min replicas:                                                    1
Max replicas:                                                    10
Deployment pods:                                                 5 current / 0 desired
  Type           Status  Reason                 Message
  ----           ------  ------                 -------
  AbleToScale    True    SucceededGetScale      the HPA controller was able to get the target's current scale
  ScalingActive  False   FailedGetObjectMetric  the HPA was unable to compute the replica count: unable to get metric istio-requests-total: Pod on html-pdf-v2 html-pdf-deploy/unable to fetch metrics from custom metrics API: the server could not find the metric istio-requests-total for pods
  Type     Reason                 Age                   From                       Message
  ----     ------                 ----                  ----                       -------
  Warning  FailedGetObjectMetric  55s (x4255 over 17h)  horizontal-pod-autoscaler  unable to get metric istio-requests-total: Pod on html-pdf-v2 html-pdf-deploy/unable to fetch metrics from custom metrics API: the server could not find the metric istio-requests-total for pods

kubectl top pods result

root@ubuntu-master:~# kubectl top pods -n istio-system
NAME                                    CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
grafana-6ccd56f4b6-bw5md                2m           39Mi
istio-ingressgateway-57c665985b-wj5gr   10m          85Mi
istiod-78cc776c5b-qkr6b                 7m           61Mi
jaeger-5d44bc5c5d-db2pj                 3m           809Mi
kiali-79b86ff5bc-mj8bn                  4m           1125Mi
prometheus-64fd8ccd65-22znf             34m          744Mi
prometheus-adapter-6d9c6c8fdf-lxfbp     40m          76Mi

HPA Yaml.

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: html-pdf-v2-hpa
  namespace: html-pdf-v2
    metric-config.object.istio-requests-total.prometheus/query: |
      ) /
        ) by (pod)
  maxReplicas: 10
  minReplicas: 1
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: html-pdf-deploy
    - type: Object
        metricName: istio-requests-total
          apiVersion: v1
          kind: Pod
          name: html-pdf-deploy
        targetValue: 10

I have concerns about where I went wrong or if I was walking on the right path.

First post I'm excited for answers. I hope I explained myself correctly.


c4f4t0r avatar
nl flag
Could you describe your k8s monitoring configuration? How is your prometheus configured? Do you have a dedicated prometheus installation or the istio embeded one? Do you have the prometheus adapter and metrics server installed in your cluster?
jp flag
Don't post text information as image links.
us flag
@AlexD I can't add pictures because; "You need at least 10 reputation to post images."
jp flag
Add the text information as a text.
us flag
@c4f4t0r Installed with Prometheus istio's settings [here]( I installed the metric server with helm and set the tls [here]( I installed it with Prometheus adapter helm [here](
us flag
@AlexD I have already added the text document as a text. which one are you talking about
jp flag
Console output from `kubectl` which you linked as images is a text.
us flag
@AlexD Understood. Thank you for the information.
c4f4t0r avatar
nl flag
@Orgenus you posted various links, How many prometheus do you have installed?
us flag
@c4f4t0r Only 1 installed. in the istio-system namespace
c4f4t0r avatar
nl flag
check if your prometheus adapter is pointing there and check if your metrics server is working with kubectl top pods, anyway you could find a lot of information about custom metrics
us flag
@c4f4t0r The metric server is running and responding, I added it to the thread. How can I control the adapter's access?
c4f4t0r avatar
nl flag
if you installed the prometheus adapter using the helm charts, by default is poing to url: http://prometheus.default.svc
us flag
@c4f4t0r I can access the Prometheus interface. When I run the sample query there, it gives results. I've attached the screenshot to the thread.

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