
Mysql remote connect CentOS

us flag

i have problem with mysql remote connect. In my.cnf have: bind-address = and #skip-networking. In users mysql have special user remote@% And still not working.

If i try: nmap -p 3306

Output is:

3306/tcp   filtered   mysql

It is way ?

Thanks, Regards.

jm flag
Do you have either `iptables` or `firewalld` blocking the connection?
ondravirag avatar
us flag
@doneal24 firewalld -- is off, and iptables i add rule
dominix avatar
gf flag
show us what give ```netstat -pnlt|grep mysql```. If we see a mysql process listening, then you have a firewall issue, otherwise you have a mysql configuration issue. You _need_ to see the port "open" in order to be able to connect to.
in flag
`filtered` indicates a firewall.
us flag
You should not open MySQL port to the public internet for security reasons. Use SSH port forwarding instead.
ondravirag avatar
us flag
@Dominix netstat -pnlt|grep mysql tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1577/mysqld
dominix avatar
gf flag
you certainly have a firewall issue. Maybe look for nftables based firewall.
in flag
The firewall does not necessarily have to be on the host itself.
co flag
@vidarlo OP's post on Ask Ubuntu is closed because it's offtopic there.
cn flag
Try drawing a network diagram of how users connect to the database. There may be other network devices between them and the server.

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