
Pass variable value from one build step to other in jenkins job

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I want to pass variable value from one build step that is from 'execute shell' to 'send files or execute commands over SSH" my script in Execute shell* is:

if [ "$var" == "1"]; then
if [ "$var" == "2"]; then

send files or execute commands over SSH echo "$Given_order" but the value is not passed from execute shell build step to other. Please suggest Thanks

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Does this answer your question? [Jenkins Pipeline File - Passing Jenkinsfile variables into further commands](
jp flag

I already answered this question here: Basically, declare a variable in your Pipeline code out of the scope of your build stages:

def jobBaseName

stage ('Construct Img name') {
  jobBaseName = sh(
    script: "echo ${BUILD_TAG} | awk '{print tolower($0)}' | sed 's/jenkins-//'",
    returnStdout: true,

stage ('Build Target Container') {
  sh "ssh -i ~/ssh_keys/key.key user@somehost 'cd /dockerdata/build/${BUILD_TAG} && docker build -t localrepo/${jobBaseName}:${BUILD_NUMBER} .'"
br flag
@jayhendren-How about this that I'm not using any pipeline code here, I'm just using jenkins build steps.

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