
FreeDiskSpaceFailed: How to force re-check, instead of waiting for self-healing?

cn flag

I had FreeDiskSpaceFailed on one of my K8s nodes.

I fixed this by resizing the logical volume.

I don't want to wait until K8s has discovered that there is enough space now.

Is there a way to trigger K8s, so that the disk space gets checked again?

in flag
I would _guess_ restarting `kubelet.service` will go through all its normal initialization checks, which likely includes free disk checking
Piotr Malec avatar
vn flag
Hi guettli, did the instructions from comment above solve your issue?
guettli avatar
cn flag
@PiotrMalec I don't know. The self-healing of K8s detected after some minutes that there is enough space on the disk.

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