
How do I detect why PHP requests to external servers are slow?

fr flag

For the last two months, some days, my requests(get/post) to external links are working with a delay. However, this issue only occurs in my code running on a server that I use heavily. I have three servers. (Centos 7, Centos7, Windows Server) Both of have the same features. (One is the server that I use heavily and the request I send to the external link returns slowly).

While it turns very fast on Windows and 2nd centos server, it takes 5 seconds for it to turn on the heavily used Centos server. Why does this occur? I checked the ram & disk usage of the server, nothing abnormal. I turned the server off and turned it back on, still didn't fix it. This situation did not exist three days ago, when I woke up one morning, it started to be slow. As in the previous ones, I will wake up one morning and it will be fixed again.

Vesta is installed on my server, I am using Apache. Which service do I need to specifically control? The slowness is not specific to this link alone, it also loads slowly when I make a curl request elsewhere.

All servers are running in a data center located in Germany.

function tcmbKurlari(){
$url= '';
$context = stream_context_create(array('ssl'=>array(
    'verify_peer' => false, 
$currency = simplexml_load_file($url);

return $currency;

djdomi avatar
za flag
if ngix is involved why not cache it?
fr flag
@djdomi The data I have taken is updated every minute. Can I cache here? I'm also experiencing this delay on servers where I sent post request.
jp flag
Use `curl` to measure request timing -

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