
Setting Context Path in nginx

cn flag

I am trying to serve my webpack bundled app and files from a context path. Nginx Config file is as below:


server {

  listen 80;
  root   /usr/share/nginx/html;
  index  index.html index.htm;

  location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /mfeexample/index.html;

  location /mfeexample/ {   
    try_files $uri $uri/ /mfeexample/index.html;


# Build Environment
FROM node:14.2.0-alpine as build

# Working Directory

#Copying node package files to working directory
COPY package.* .

#Installing app dependency
RUN npm install --silent

#Copy all the code
COPY . .

#RUN Production build
RUN npm run build

# production environment
FROM nginx:stable-alpine

# Deploy the built application to Nginx server
# /usr/share/nginx/html is the Nginx static directory used to serve the appliation
COPY --from=build /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html/mfeexample

# Remove the default Nginx configuration in Nginx Container
RUN rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

# Apply the new configuration file
COPY nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

# Expose the Application on PORT 80

# Start Nginx server
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Now looking at the network tab in browser, I found all the files are being served at http://localhost:3000/mfeexample/, that is exactly what I wanted. However, when I try nested route it breaks, nested route I mean http://localhost:3000/mfeexample/customer/, looking at the network tab again, nginx is looking for files under http://localhost:3000/mfeexample/customer/index.html, but I want nginx to always find the files from http://localhost:3000/mfeexample.

PS: Please keep in mind I am new to nginx and I have been doing trial and error method to get upto this point.

Thanks in advance.

us flag
Could you try to clarify your question with clear examples: "When I request URL A, I want to get file B from filesystem". "When I request URL C, I want to get file D from filesystem". It is a bit difficult to see what you need from your question. Please also clarify what you mean by context path.
Sampreeth Amith Kumar avatar
cn flag
Context path I mean the URL path at which the application needs to be served. In my case, I want the application to be served at /mfeexample and not at the root level. All the files should also be served from /mfeexample.
us flag
Please add exact examples like I requested above. Without clear examples this question cannot be answered.
Sampreeth Amith Kumar avatar
cn flag
To give an example, when I hit the URL http://localhost:3000/ react application should not be rendered but when I hit the URL http://localhost:3000/mfeexample/ the application should render it's content and also serve all the static files from http://localhost/mfeexample. Now if I try nested route i.e http://localhost:3000/mfeexample/customer/ the same react application should serve all the static files from http://localhost:3000/mfeexample/ but should render the content in http://localhost:3000/mfeexample/customer/ I hope this helps.
Sampreeth Amith Kumar avatar
cn flag
The application should return main.js from the React application which should live at http://localhost:3000/mfeexample. The user should be able to visit either http://localhost:3000/mfeexample or http://localhost:3000/mfeexample/customer, however the current issue is that when going to http://localhost:3000/mfeexample/customer the server attempts to serve main.js from http://localhost:3000/mfeexample/customer instead of the base path at http://localhost:3000/mfeexample
us flag
Sorry, but your example still does not show what filesystem path should each URL serve. Please edit the question and add the URL - path mappings there.

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