
AWS Tag Editor - Region "Africa (Cape Town)" not available in list of regions?

cn flag

In the Tag Editor (Resource Groups & Tag Editor) you can select the applicable regions in the "Select regions" dropdown. Most of the AWS regions are there, but I do not see af-south-1 which is "Africa (Cape Town)". I tried my best to find information about this in the AWS documentation, but so far no luck. If anyone could elaborate on this, that would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I should note that we already have EC2s running in af-south-1, which is why I am a bit confused.

Tim avatar
gp flag
Could be human error - maybe the AWS tag editor team forgot about SA.
kr flag

af-south-1 is an Opt-In AWS Region, as listed in

You need to actively enable access to this region for your account.

Thijmen avatar
cn flag
We have instances running in *af-south-1* already though, which is why I don't understand why the region is not in the dropdown in the Tag Editor. Do I have to undertake any specific actions to make the Tag Editor work with this region?

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