
Cannot interact with directory, how to remove it

br flag

I have a directory with a lot of files that I want to remove but I cannot interact with it.

The size of the folder is 29M. rm -rf ran overnight without it seems doing anything.

find . -type f -print | head -n 1 doesn't print anything, I can see in htop that it doesn't actually run but is in state D. Same with find . -type f -delete.

Could it be corrupted or something like that? How can I check for that and fix it?

cn flag

The D state means uninterruptible - see here for a nice description. You may be forced to restart your server unless someone can chip in with a better solution to interrupt the uninterruptible!

My original guess was that the file is probably as 'in use' by an open process. Try using lsof to find the process and restart it/end it if possible. Maybe killing that process will break the lock?


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