
How to use ext4magic in LVM?

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I'm trying to recover using partition was LVM.

try to execute command

ext4magic /dev/sda1  -J -f -s 2048  imges/


/dev/sda2 Error 2133571347 while opening filesystem 
ext4magic : EXIT_SUCCESS
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Other than the typo (imges not images) it looks like that error code means either the superblock is corrupt or not loading correctly.

Do you need to put imges/ next to the -f flag for it to work? And was 2048 definitely your block size?

Otherwise, you could attempt to recreate/recover the LVM partition instead. I've done this once before and it worked well enough to recover data. I believe by default there should be some backup files in /etc/lvm/backup with details of the volumes.

Raja avatar
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And also can't find my block size!

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