
How to enter the directory of a container?

cn flag

How can I access the directories of a container from the node which executes the container?

I have root-access to the master-node. Now I would like to have a look at the /etc directory of the etcd pod/container.

kubectl exec does not help, since it is a distroless image which misses the usual shell tools like ls and tar.

I use containerd

br flag

I use containerd in my local setup and I use remote etcd server. But the idea explained below can be use for local etcd.

  1. [Optional step] ssh to etcd node. If using local etcd in master then ignore this step.
  2. First find the process ID for the etcd container ps -aux | grep -i etcd

enter image description here

  1. Now lets us the magic /proc directory to find the etcd DB location.

sudo ls /proc/9591/root/var/lib/etcd

enter image description here

  1. Navigate to etcd directory sudo ls /proc/9591/root/etc/kubernetes

enter image description here

  1. Let's check the etcd certiifcates: sudo ls /proc/9591/root/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/

enter image description here

guettli avatar
cn flag
Great! `/proc/PID/root` was new to me.
cn flag
+1 but please when posting console output / settings format it as "`code`" using [Markdown]( and/or the formatting options in the edit menu to properly type-set your posts. Also use copy-paste and avoid posting screenshots of text. That improves readability, attracts better answers and allows indexing by search engines, which may help people with similar questions.
us flag

you can use the following command (be careful when performing operations):

nsenter -p -m  -t <processid>

basically track the pid of the application inside a container you wish to enter and replace with it's process id


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