
How to exec into a **node** (not container) via kubectl

cn flag

How to exec into a K8s node?

Up to now I only found ways to exec into containers running on a node.

I would like to avoid ssh.

vn flag

The layer above a pod (and their containers) is the operating system (excluding logical layers of k8s).

There isn't any tools (that im aware of) specifically part of kubernetes management tooling that do this - that's what SSH is for.

cn flag

You can use kubectl-node-shell

kubectl-node-shell: Start a root shell in the node's host OS running.


# Get standard bash shell
kubectl node-shell <node>

You need to be able to start privileged containers for that.

Anytoe avatar
in flag
perfect, thank you!
cn flag

Depending on what you want to achieve, you can start a pod with more privileges. You could e.g. do a hostpath mount on /. With some linux knowledge this should be enough.

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: evil-pod spec: containers:

  • image: busybox name: evil command: ["/bin/sh"] args: "-c" ,"sleep infinity"] volumeMounts:
    • mountPath: /host name: host-root volumes:
  • hostPath: path: / type: "" name: host-root

Be aware, that this is of course a security issue and in a secure cluster should not be possible. If you have to maintain the node, use ssh as suggested by samson

gm flag

If you need access to the underlying Nodes for your Kubernetes cluster (and you don't have direct access - usually if you are hosting Kubernetes elsewhere), you can use the following deployment to create Pods where you can login with kubectl exec, and you have access to the Node's IPC and complete filesystem under /node-fs. To get a node console that is just like you have SSHd in, after logging in, perform chroot /node-fs. It is inadvisable to keep this running, but if you need access to the node, this will help. Because it is a DaemonSet, it starts one of these Pods on each Node.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: privpod
      mydaemon: privpod
        mydaemon: privpod
      hostNetwork: true
      hostPID: true
      hostIPC: true
        - name: privcontainer
          image: johnnyb61820/network-toolkit
            privileged: true
            - tail
            - "-f"
            - /dev/null
            - name: nodefs
              mountPath: /node-fs
            - name: devfs
              mountPath: /dev
        - name: nodefs
            path: / 
        - name: devfs
            path: /dev

This is from Appendix C.13 of Cloud Native Applications with Docker and Kubernetes. I've found this useful especially if I need to deal with physical drives or something similar. It's not something you should leave running, but helps when you are in a pinch.


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