
only flush the write cache if there's no read activity

in flag

Normally the Linux Kernel flushes the write cache if a specified time limit is exeeded or the cache is full. This leads to stalling with HDDs since the writing process makes reading processes much slower.

That's why I want to avoid a flush of the write cache if there's only a bit read activity. Since I have 40 GB of RAM this should not be a problem. My thoughts on that would be to set the time limit to five minutes, tune the write cache size to your needs and write a script that flushes the cache ONLY if there is 0 read activity. I don't know how to do that, would the shell command sync offer good enough performance?

My goal is to have a write cache with a size like 1, 2 GBs. Flushing this would take a long time. Is there anything that can be stopped as soon there's read activity again or a higher disk PSI (would that even react fast enough??)

I have two Seagate (non-smr?) drives: ST1000DM010-2EP102 - but I guess that information isn't needed.

With dirty_ratio I currently set a dynamic cache size.

echo 360000 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs
echo 360000 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs

This would set the maximum time to start flushing the write cache to 1 hour.


Useful commands:

With the following command you can see how much is in the write cache:

cat /proc/meminfo | grep Dirty


Dirty:               104 kB

But this is not very important..

Where am I stuck?

I want to be able to almost instantly cancel the sync command (is this even possible) and I want to know if there is a process reading. That's all what I need to write the script.

I found an old script that's able to monitor read activity: awk '{print $1}' /sys/block/sdb/stat

How to use this?

if [ $old-value -lt $new-value ];then COMMAND;fi
france1 avatar
in flag
Is a constant write cache size or a percentual better?
jp flag
Does this answer your question? [Limit Linux background flush (dirty pages)](
france1 avatar
in flag
No. I saw this post but they want to set the write cache as low as possible, that's not that what improves performance on hdds.
france1 avatar
in flag - use for /sys/block/sdb/stat
in flag

Sources used:

script that I coded:


while (true)
    reads=`awk '{print $1}' /sys/block/sdb/stat`
    if [ "$oldreads" == "$reads" ]
        if [ $(grep -o '[[:digit:]]*'<<<$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep Dirty)) -gt 10240 ]
            echo "sync"
            echo "There's not more than a 10 MB in the write buffer, not syncing."
    elif [ $killed == False ]
         echo "kill"
         kill "$syncPid"
        echo "$oldreads => $reads"
    sleep 1
france1 avatar
in flag
I'm not sure if the sync command actually stops w/SIGINT :(
in flag
Is this your solution, or just something you tried but it still doesn't work?
jp flag
killing `sync` would do nothing.
france1 avatar
in flag
It works but as @AlexD said, killing sync doesn't work. Can I use something else that reacts to signal 15?

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