
Sending push notification to s3 origin website from lambda

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I want to send a websockets notification from lambda function to clients, on a website hosted via s3 origin with cloudfront.

Could someone help me with this, please? Thanks.

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Can you clarify what problem you're trying to solve? Your question is a little unclear to me.
NaNa avatar
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when a record in a table in database update, i want to send push notification to client site. My frontend is uploaded on s3 and used cloudfornt distribution and my backend is lambda. I use aws rds for database. Thanks
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You need to look at websockets. Here's an example: You'll need to look at how to use CloudFront with multiple origins to route the requests to the Lambda.
NaNa avatar
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@shearn89 Thanks for your kind help and I really appreciate it.
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You need to look at websockets. Here's an example: You'll need to look at how to use CloudFront with multiple origins to route the requests to the Lambda.


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