
Switching between Reserved instance and convertible instance

us flag

I have a Standard reserved instance for almost 7 months now and planning to switch the Standard reserved to convertible RI, In the beginning i have signed up for 3 years contract, if i convert the standard RI to Convertible now (after 7 months) will my term will start over again from month 1 or will it continue from month 7.

Tim avatar
gp flag
Are you sure you can change from standard to convertible RIs? Alternately you could sell your existing RI and moving to a savings plan.
Uday Sriramadas avatar
us flag
i think i saw it somewhere, can we not convert the existing RI :/
Tim avatar
gp flag
Go into the console and try it, just don't hit the "submit" button. RIs used to be quite inflexible, they've gotten more flexible over time but I'm not sure they're quite that flexible yet. I don't use them often so I may not be up to date
Uday Sriramadas avatar
us flag
i did check and there is no way we can convert the existing Standard RI.
cn flag

You'll have to sell the reserved instances and then buy new convertible ones. You can modify some aspects of a reserved instance, but you can't go from a reserved instance to a convertible type without selling/rebuying.

See here for more info.


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