
Cannot access chromium on commandline using snap

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We've been working with an outdated chromium version and due to application upgrades, we need to upgrade chromium. Our options were to upgrade the OS and then receive the latest version, or try using snap. Using snap was successful:

root@app-0:/home/user# snap install chromium
chromium 98.0.4758.80 from Canonical✓ installed

However when i try to see the version, i still see the older one.

root@app-0:/home/user# chromium --version
Chromium 90.0.4430.212 built on Debian 10.9, running on Debian 10.11

I tried removing apt remove chromium and then reinstalled chromium using snap, but i dont get any binary for chromium now. did the binary name change? how can i get this snap version 98 installed in our debian server?


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