
Postfix TLS certificates not found

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I replaced the default snakeoil certificate for Postfix with my own cert and key. The following configuration in /etc/postfix/ works:


But when I concatenate the key and cert into a single file and use the recommended syntax for Postfix 3.4

smtpd_chains_files = /etc/postfix/chains.pem

smtpd warns about missing certificates (postfix/smtpd: warning: No server certs available). chains.pem is present in /etc/postfix, and is readable by root. What could be the problem here?

Thanks, Jan

Steffen Ullrich avatar
se flag
*"smtpd_chains_files"* - There is no configuration option like this. Did you mean to use `smtpd_tls_chain_files`?
br flag
Thank you! This is very embarrassing – sorry for taking your time.

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