I think my problem is easy to explain: I need to increase TCP Window size on a Windows 10 machine but i'm unable to.
I've create a SFTP Server on a Windows 10 machine and I access to it via other PC in another location on the same city. Both locations have optic fiber connections with simetric 600 megabits/s.
Using both machines on same lan I get 48 megabytes per second, but when moving to wan (over the optic fiber) it top at 8,5 - 10 megabytes/s.
Accoding to my calculations it happends becouse the latency between both coneections and tcp window size is configured at 64k.
On previous Windows version it can be changed via registry but now it doesn't work. Now it's supposed to be changed using autotuning level, I've change it from normal to highly restricted and even experimental using SG TCP Optimizer but speed is the same.
Thanks for reading
EDIT: According to this link:
I've create the key "Tcp1323Opts" on the registry, under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters" and then assign value "3 to it.
Now when I open a PowerShell window and run:
"netsh interface tcp show global"
I get that RFC1323 is enabled and before was disabled, so the creation of the new key in the registry is ok. The problem is the speed is the same.
I didn't know if I had to create this key in the computer where SFTP is installed or the one who send data, so I created the key on both.
I think I have to set an scale factor or scale value acoording to the link, but I don't know where to assign it.
I feel I'm near of the solution but I need some help.