
nginx large file upload limit

us flag

I am using Laravel Forge to manage my server and I had a problem with uploading large files with livewire. after 100 seconds uploadng fails and shows this error:


and sometimes:


my PHP timeout is 1000 and upload file size is 1.5 GB but I don't know why this happens. I tried setting these in my nginx configuration but it did not help.

fastcgi_read_timeout 1000;
client_header_timeout 1m;
client_body_timeout 1m;
proxy_connect_timeout 60s;
proxy_read_timeout 1m;
proxy_send_timeout 1m;
us flag

It turns out it was not nginx problem, Kaspersky on my system was killing the requests.

I hope this helps others too.

cn flag

Check the error logs for nginx for details (Probably /var/log/nginx/error.log), but it might be as simple as needing to set: client_max_body_size 2g in nginx config.

Mohammad Zahed avatar
us flag
There is nothing in the logs and I already increased client_max_body_size but it did not work.

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