
openstack xena- extend boot volume which is attached to an instance through heat orchestrator

nl flag

as you can see the below heat template

{ "heat_template_version": "2018-03-02", "description": "H2 Template: All infrastructure is\n created using this, except for keystone users and their role assignments.", "resource" : { "PL_nal0bg6": { "type": "OS::Nova::Server", "properties": { "user_data": "windows", "name": "PL", "block_device_mapping_v2": [ { "volume_id": { "get_resource": "PL_boot_vol_7ozduyi" }, "device_name": "sda", "delete_on_termination": false, "boot_index": 0 } ], "flavor": "8cpu", "config_drive": "True", "networks": [ { "port": "1wsed-3e4r-33e3-333" } ] } }, "PL_boot_vol_7ozduyi": { "type": "OS::Cinder::Volume", "properties": { "size": 18, "volume_type": "1wsed-3e4r-33e3-333", "image": "4c7ce2be-a64f-4c62-8dec-37e458cf3c38", "name": "Test_boot" } } } }

I'm trying to update boot-volume size from 18 -> 26, which is attached to an instance When i gave update the request itself it not going to heat or cinder services and boot-volume resource is getting stuck at UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS if boot volume is not attached to an instance it is updating without any issues. Is there any configurations we are missing in xena?


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