
Unable to connect to Oracle database 21c

us flag

I have fresh Oracle Linux with Oracle Database 21c installed on it. Issue is I cannot connect to it from the outside, locally there is no problem.

lsof was showing that port 1521 was open only for IPv6, so I changed the listener.ora config to:

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = linux-oracledb)(PORT = 1521)(IP=V4_ONLY))

lsof is showing:

tnslsnr   1285 oracle    9u  IPv4  27233      0t0  TCP *:1521 (LISTEN)

But when I'm testing the connection from another pc I have:

TCP connect to ( : 1521) failed

Firewall rules are ok.

Any idea what I am missing here?

Travis avatar
us flag
Post the command you're using to connect and also if you can use `TNSPING` or `TRCROUTE` and post the results.
pk flag

Starting with a disclaimer here - I am not an Oracle guy so don't be hard on me. But do you know if your server is listening on,, or something else? I think you will need it to have it listen on for receiving outside connection

us flag
Any help is really appreciated! Especially here where I'm out of ideas. :) It's listening on tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1288/tnslsnr
gk_2000 avatar
pk flag
Is the other pc on the same network, or from internet?
us flag
Same network connected via VPN tunnel. Will try to reach it directly from the same network later today.

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