
Not enough space in SAMBA subdirectory

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our company has a legacy server running SUSE 11 release 3.0.76-0.11.

2 disks are mounted on this server. Disk 1 (500GB remaining) mounted as /DIV1/DE and Disk 2 (2TB remaining) as a sub-directory of it /DIV1/DE/Ongoing.

SAMBA is configured as standalone and shares /DIV1/DE and /DIV1/DE/Ongoing. SMB Protocol is SMB2. No read/write permission issue so far. (DK why SAMBA is configured like this, we took over administration recently and we're not experts on Unix)

Client machines are Windows 10 pro with 1 GBe LAN connection to server.

Here comes the issue.

Let's say there are 20 files in total, each about 30 GB. When user write all of them to /DIV1/DE/Ongoing once, transfer will not start and says there is not enough space on /DIV1/DE/Ongoing. However, when user transfer only one file at a time to /DIV1/DE/Ongoing, transfer will go, but at 3-4MB/s at peak.

Of course there is enough space, we have 2TB for 600GB data. Our guess is that /DIV1/DE/Ongoing (disk 2) might be using /DIV1/DE (disk 1) as write cache. But like I said, we're not Unix experts and have no idea how to find 'resource monitor' like Windows and find clues.

My questions are, is this a Samba problem or Linux one? What can I do to fix this? Is it possible to avoid software or OS upgrade? any answer is welcomed. Thanks!


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