
Win Event Logs: Undocumented UAC value

cn flag

I was looking through some logs and I found a modification to an AD machine account. The event ID is 4742. The event name is a computer account was changed..

In the log, it shows the changed/modified attributes, in this case it shows the changes are to the UAC values:

Changed Attributes:

    SAM Account Name:   -

    Display Name:       -

    User Principal Name:    -

    Home Directory:     -

    Home Drive:     -

    Script Path:        -

    Profile Path:       -

    User Workstations:  -

    Password Last Set:  -

    Account Expires:        -

    Primary Group ID:   -

    AllowedToDelegateTo:    -

    Old UAC Value:      0x80

    New UAC Value:      0x81

    User Account Control:   

        Account Disabled

    User Parameters:    -

    SID History:        -

    Logon Hours:        -

    DNS Host Name:      -

    Service Principal Names:    -

As shown, it changes the Old_UAC value to 0x81 . The problem is, in the Microsoft documentation, only 0x80 is defined:

Value: 0x80
The user can send an encrypted password.

I cannot find any reference to 0x81. Can anyone shed some light on this?

cn flag

UserAccountControl is a bitflags attribute.

0x81 includes both:



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