
/etc/bind/rrset-order: order 'fixed' was disabled at compilation time

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How do I recompile bind9 so that I can enable rrset-order fixed?

/etc/bind/named.conf.options:9: rrset-order: order 'fixed' was disabled at compilation time

My OS is Ubuntu 20.04

It said I need rebuit it with --enable-fixed-rrset flag

But where should I execute it?

Zareh Kasparian avatar
us flag
I know my answer might not suit your question, but as DevOps guy with 13 years of work experience and working with a large number of DNS servers with high load, I am not recommending compiling bind and using it. in production, there is a huge difference in the performance for the complied version vs binary version. complied version perfomance is awful
in flag
Then where I can get binary version with ```--enable-fixed-rrset```
Zareh Kasparian avatar
us flag
my suggestion is to use FreeBSD OS for this case, by this you can use ports to install Bind. although installing a package with ports, still compiles the source. but there is a huge difference when compiling the source via ports in FreeBSD vs Linux.

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