
firewall-cmd - adding as a source in one zone blocks more specific access in another zone

uz flag

I have two firewalld zones configured as follows:

zone: ssh-access
ports: 9999/tcp

zone: other-access
ports: 8888/tcp

We temporarily want to unrestrict access to the ssh-access zone on port 9999/tcp so we replace the source so that zone is configured as follows:

zone: ssh-access
ports: 9999/tcp

This has the desired effect for the ssh-access zone.

However, once we do that, the source for zone other-access fails to communicate over port 8888/tcp until the source for ssh-access is reverted back to its original value.

I feel like I'm overlooking something simple...

tl;dr: we want to allow any source to communicate over port 9999/tcp but keep it restricted to the defined source for port 8888/tcp.

uz flag

So, perhaps somewhat obviously, this does what I want it to do.

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=9999/tcp

It means I don't have to change anything in the ssh-access zone, and the public zone won't interfere with anything.

Going to call this solved now.


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