
How to restrict access to API to the portal run on browser through Nginx

lk flag


I have a system with an api server and a front end (static website run on browsers) and they are publicly available under 2 domain names and


How do I restrict access to my api at to my front end only (e.g. no one can arbitrarily curl to it and be able to access)? Or is it possible at all?

If you can add a sample nginx block that'd be awesome.

us flag

You cannot block curl calls completely.

However, you can make them more difficult by requiring that HTTP referrer header is set to the api. You can use nginx HTTP referer module for this. An example configuration:

server {

    if ($invalid_referer) {
        return 403;

This is not adding any security to your website. It is trivial for bad actor to add the required HTTP header when making requests to

Therefore it is important that best security prcatices are used in your API implementation.


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