
How to verify KDE screensaver is enabled on all workstations

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I need to be able to assess all of our Linux workstations to determine whether the screensaver is enabled and operational. And for most desktops, this hasn't been hard. I'm using Puppet to do the heavy lifting, using some custom facts to report the information for aggregation.

For Gnome and i3, we're making sure that something like screensaver or xautolock is running.

KDE seems to be a different beast. It only fires up a process when the screensaver activates, so most of the time it looks like it's disabled. I've seen where the current user can use dbus-send to query for it, but that's not going to work for a Puppet process running as a different user.

Has anyone had any success at interrogating KDE systems to see if the screen lock is enabled? To satisfy those who sign the checks, I might have to force our users to all use screensaver or some other standard mechanism, but I'd really rather not do that if I don't have to.



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