
Persistent volume claim getting stuck in Pending mode

cn flag

I have just configured openebs as the storageclass type on k0s but when I then attempt to create a persistent volume claim it gets stuck in Pending mode.

As a check to satisfy the WaitForFirstConsumer constraint I created a deployment but after some time the persistent volume claim still remains in Pending mode.

I am pretty sure storageclass is configured well now (unless otherwise !) because when I run k0s kubectl get storageclass I get :

openebs-device Delete WaitForFirstConsumer false 11h
openebs-hostpath Delete WaitForFirstConsumer false 11h

For context my local-pvc.yaml is as below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: mssql-claim
    - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 200Mi

This one however gives an error after I add the storageClassName attribute (Is the attribute mandatory for provisioning of the pvc? If so whats the exact value? ).

The original deployment doesnt contain the attribute though and I had to add it after some digging around. Im not entirely sure about which value i should configure for storageClassName: value.

What am I missing ?

Andrew Skorkin avatar
tr flag
As I understand, you provided `spec.storageClassName:` But, according to your output, it seems not a name, but `provisioner`. Can you try to change as `spec.storageClassName: openebs-device` or `spec.storageClassName: openebs-hostpath` if those are your StorageClass names?
cn flag
@AndrewSkorkin No change same error even after amending to openebs-device. After doing ks describe pod mssql-depl-86c86b5f44-ldj48 I saw that the error is something to do with the node : " Warning FailedScheduling 10m (x6 over 16m) default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had taint { }, that the pod didn't tolerate. "
cn flag
I fixed this before with k0s kubectl taint nodes serverfxc02 and it worked but for now its not working
Andrew Skorkin avatar
tr flag
Can you list your node? `kubectl get node`
cn flag
yes I can list nodes
cn flag
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION serverfxc02 Ready control-plane 27h v1.23.1+k0s

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