
How to redirect in Nginx hidding the redirect path

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I have the next URL: and I would like to redirect the call to https://my-web/path2 but I would like that in the browser tab show's /path1. Is this possible?

I'm using a virtualhost in Nginx 1.16. I'm using a rewrite, but the problem is that in the browser tab it shows /path2 and I need /path1 but with the content of path1.


My vhost cfg:

server {
    root /var/www/;
    include global/global.conf;
    include global/wordpress.conf;
    rewrite ^/path1(.*)$ redirect;
br flag
Show config. Probably you're doing something wrong. This is basic nginx functionality.
herny avatar
ua flag
hello @AlexeyTen I just edit the OP
us flag
`redirect` issues a HTTP redirect response back to the client. Most likely you want `break` or `last` instead for an internal rewrite.

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